Organic Traditions

Organic Traditions Dark Chocolate Hazelnuts

SKU: ORT-1008-001 ISBN/UPC: 627733014007
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Organic Traditions Dark Chocolate Hazelnuts

Organic Traditions Dark Chocolate Hazelnuts is Non-pasteurized, sustainably grown hazelnuts tumbled and lightly dusted in organic cocoa powder.*


Features and Benefits:

  • Lightly sweetened.
  • A good source of calcium, vitamin B2 and fiber.
  • It combines two delicious foods into a healthy and nutritious snack.
  • Certified Organic
  • Delicious snack right out of the bag.


Add them to desserts, baked goods or DIY trail mixes. Grind them to use for baking, desserts, as a topping on yogurt, berries or in any other recipe. Throw them into a blender with your favourite Organic Traditions Superfoods and create a smoothie!

These statements have not been evaluated by Health Canada or the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.