Keto Choco Nutty Protein Balls Recipe

Mar 02,
Keto Choco Nutty Protein Balls Recipe

This simple keto choco-nutty protein balls recipe from Giddy Yoyo is packed with plenty of texture and crunch, loaded with plant-based ingredients, and is just sweet enough to curb your cravings.

Many market-grade snacks usually aren't as healthy as you may think. This is due to artificial flavours, excess sugar, unhealthy fats, and unnecessary additives.

On the other hand, homemade snacks are usually the opposite. You can choose what to put in them and customize everything from their taste to nutritional ingredients!

In this post, you'll find a delicious protein balls recipe from Giddy Yoyo that has all the crunch, sweetness, and goodness that you've been craving.

Keep reading to see the full recipe!


Keto Choco Nutty Protein Balls Recipe


This easy protein balls recipe is just what you need on days when you want a quick and filling snack that leaves you feeling energized. Plus, it's just sweet enough to make you want more without having the sweetness overpower its flavour.

Ingredients For The Mixture:

  • ½ cup quick oats
  • 1/3 cup coconut flakes, unsweetened
  • 1/3 cup chia seeds, whole
  • ½ cup nuts (crushed or ground) or seed of choice (we used peanuts & walnuts)
  • 1 Tbs Giddy Yoyo Cacao Powder
  • 1 Tbs Giddy Yoyo Cacao Nibs
  • ½ cup nut or seed butter (peanut butter is killer in this recipe)
  • 2 Tbs sweetener of choice (maple syrup, honey, xylitol/monk fruit/erythritol)
  • 76% Original Giddy Yoyo Dark Chocolate Bar, or Giddy Yoyo chocolate bar of choice, chopped


Roll Balls In:


Optional Ingredients:

  • Collagen
  • Protein powder
  • Hemp hearts

If adding powders, you may need to add a bit of water.



  1. First, place all dry ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
  2. Next, add nut butter & liquid sweetener of choice.
  3. Mix, mix, and mix until well mixed.
  4. Finally, using your hands, roll into 1" balls, then roll into coconut/salt topping or topping of choice (or no topping).


How to Customize Your Protein Balls

The best thing about this protein balls recipe is its ease of personalization. Anyone can remix the recipe according to their tastes and nutritional needs.

For example, you can add protein powder to the dry mix if you want a bigger punch while lifting heavier.

Important Note: Protein powder may assist in the building of lean muscle tissue/mass when combined with regular weight/resistance training and a healthy balanced diet. Please note that certain protein powders may not be right for you. Always read and follow the label and consult a healthcare professional for more information.


Final Thoughts

Finally, we hope you enjoyed this delicious protein balls recipe made by Giddy Yoyo. Let us know in the comments below if you'll give it a try!

And don't forget to explore all of Giddy Yoyo's organic, plant-based, dark chocolate, clean coffee, and nutritious superfoods here.

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