
Sunwarrior Plant-Based Lean Meal Illumin8 Superfood Shake 720g

$78.50 $91.00
$78.50 $91.00you save $12.50
SKU: SUN-1015-001 ISBN/UPC: 814784027623
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Sunwarrior Plant-Based Lean Meal Illumin8 Superfood Shake

Sunwarrior's Plant-Based Lean Meal Illumin8 Superfood Shake is so much more than a protein! It was formulated specifically using high vibration nutrients and superfoods to assist with your weight management goals.*

Eight major building blocks of nutrition snap together to make Illumin8 one of the best meal shakes available anywhere.

The Core 8:

  • Protein: Organic protein from yellow peas, brown rice, chia, quinoa, flax, and sprouts to keep your muscles and body well supplied.
  • Good Carbs: Complex, energizing, gluten free carbs, with amaranth, quinoa, garbanzo, and lentil sprouts. You will feel the difference the good ones make.
  • Healthy Fats: Chia, flax, and coconut supply the fats your cells need for energy, vitamin absorption, and healthy skin. The brain too!
  • Vitamins: No synthetics here! Sunwarrior's vitamins come exclusively from organic herbs, essential oils, and superfoods that we believe are superior in every way.
  • Minerals: With organic origins, we rely on preserved plant-life from an ancient seabed, untouched by modern pollution, for macro and trace minerals with fulvic acid.
  • Fiber: Baobab, chia, and flax offer both soluble and insoluble fiber along with antioxidants for gentle cleansing, hydration, and a happy digestive system.
  • Enzymes: Maximizes the absorption of each and every nutrient.
  • Probiotics: Supplying your microbiome with reinforcements, a billion stable and acid-resistant micro-warriors (friendly bacteria) will arrive safely in their new home and get to work.

Suggested Use:

Mix, shake, or blend 2 scoops with 10-12oz of your favourite beverage. Refrigerate and use prepared product same day. Keep package out of direct light and away from heat.


These statements have not been evaluated by Health Canada or the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
