ProLine Nutrition

ProLine Clean Muscle Lean Gainer 1.54 Kg (Discontinued)

Sold Out
SKU: PRL-1002-003 ISBN/UPC: 700199003720
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Pro Line Clean Muscle Lean Gainer

Pro Line Clean Muscle Lean Gainer is formulated with quality carb that is non GMO pea starch with a low glycemic. It feeds your muscles for the maximum growth without the unwanted fat. The carb to protein ratio for this Clean Muscle lean is 2:1, contains highest quality ingredients which are helpful in gaining lean muscle. Formulated with 80% concentrated quality pure whey protein that is the gold standard of whey proteins.*


  • Easily digestable and provides building blocks to build muscles rapidly*
  • No maltodextrin or fillers*
  • Only 3 g sugar*
  • Lean 2:1 carb to protein ratio*
  • Non GMO*
  • 1 Carb source, 1 Protein source, 1 Fat source*


These statements have not been evaluated by Health Canada or the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Nutritional Facts