LEGO Friends Pancake Shop, 41753 (Discontinued)
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LEGO® Friends Pancake Shop 41753 Building Toy Set
Age: 6+
Pieces: 157 pcs
Enjoy a tasty treat at the pancake shop with Luna and Paisley. Luna is choosing her favorite topping from the menu. Paisley prepares the pancakes using the spinning mixer and toy stove. Then the friends relax together and enjoy the pancakes at the table. Look out for Melody the bunny - she loves to pop by when pancakes are cooking!
From The Manufacturer Features:
Meet the next generation of Heartlake City
Discover the next generation of LEGO® Friends, where kids can explore friendship themes with a diverse cast of characters.
Feed their imagination
Let youngsters develop their building skills and enjoy creative storytelling with this Pancake Shop playset.
LEGO® Friends Pancake Shop
What will we order today?
Luna chooses her favorite topping from the menu.
Let’s cook!
Paisley prepares the pancakes using the mixer and toy stove.
Act out the story
Serve customers at the outdoor table.