Laird Superfood Creamer Peppermint Mocha 227g (Discontinued)
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Laird Superfood Creamer Peppermint Mocha
The Chocolate Mint Superfood Creamer combines the award winning Original Superfood Creamer with raw, cold-pressed cacao and peppermint for a fresh spin on a peppermint mocha! Did we mention it's totally delicious?
All Laird Superfood Creamers naturally contain a full range of MCTs, and they're
- Made with all-natural, whole food ingredients
- 100% cholesterol free
- Vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free, stevia-free, soy-free, keto-friendly, paleo, and non-GMO
- Free of any artificial colors, flavors, and additives
- No refrigeration needed; shelf stable for 12 months
Add 1 tablespoon to your beverage of choice, or mix to taste. Approximately 28 servings.
- Coconut Milk Powder
- Organic Raw Cacao Powder
- Aquamin™ (calcium from marine algae)
- Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
- Peppermint Oil
- Organic Coconut Sugar
- Contains: Tree Nuts (Coconut)