Jamieson Collagen Anti Wrinkle 60 Caplets
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It is important to us that you are satisfied with the items you receive. We now provide refunds for products that are returned within 60 days of the order date. *
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Jamieson Collagen Anti Wrinkle 60 Caplets
Jamieson Collagen Anti-Wrinkle helps to make up for the body's lower ability to produce collage naturally as it ages.
Jamieson Collagen Features & Benefits:
- Clinically proven to reduce lines and wrinkles in 28 days*
- Helps to achieve younger and firmer looking skin*
- Helps to improve the elasticity of the skin*
Jamieson Collagen Anti Wrinkle Directions:
Take 3 caplets per day.
These statements have not been evaluated by Health Canada or the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.