Amps Between the Ears: The Buzz About Bulletproof Coffee

Apr 02, 2024Contributing Editor

Name yourself ‘Bulletproof’ in regards to pretty much anything, and you’re setting the bar high as far as expectations about the solidity of your product, or service – whatever it may be. It had better be good! This is certainly the case with Bulletproof Coffee.

So, as far as Bulletproof Coffee is concerned, the reviews it’s drawing from people of differing ages and lifestyles suggest they haven’t overestimated themselves in naming their product. 

Bulletproof Coffee is an outgrowth of the Bulletproof Diet, which is the brainchild of Dave Asprey, who went from being a successful Silicon Valley millionaire who weighed nearly 300 pounds and had serious health concerns to being an equally financially successful but 100+lb-lighter man with immense improvements in mental faculties and energy levels. 

Bulletproof Coffee is formulated based on the same principles as the diet as a whole – consuming food and nutrient sources in forms that are closer to their natural state and in doing so looking past conventional (and by large erroneous) thinking that certain aspects of the nutritional composition of these foods (like saturated fat for instance) are inherently detrimental to the body.

So, let’s dig deeper into why Bulletproof Coffee is one of the many ways to improve brain power and improve mental focus and clarity. 


Ingredients for a Bulletproof Coffee (and a healthy dose of knowledge!)

Bulletproof Coffee has become a trendy morning beverage amongst biohackers and health enthusiasts. But what exactly is it, how does it fit into the Bulletproof Diet, and what are the supposed benefits? Let's dive in!

High-quality coffee:

  • Freshly ground beans: Absolutely! Grinding beans just before brewing releases the most aroma and flavor. Invest in a good grinder (burr grinders are best) and grind as much as you'll need for the day.
  • Organic, mold-free coffee: Choosing organic coffee avoids exposure to harmful pesticides and herbicides. Mold-free coffee is crucial, as some cheaper beans can be contaminated with mycotoxins, which can have adverse health effects. Look for certifications like USDA Organic and third-party mold testing reports.

Grass-fed butter:

  • Nutritional benefits: Grass-fed butter is richer in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which has anti-inflammatory properties and potential benefits for weight management. It also contains more omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, E, and K2 compared to conventional butter.
  • Why grass-fed butter is preferred: Conventional butter comes from cows primarily fed grains, which leads to less CLA and omega-3s. Grass-fed cows have a diet closer to their natural herbivorous state, resulting in healthier butter.

Medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil:

    • Role in providing energy: MCTs are a type of fat that is absorbed and metabolized quickly by the body, providing a readily available source of energy. They can also help promote ketosis, a metabolic state where your body burns fat for fuel instead of glucose.


Types of MCT oil 

    • C8 (caprylic acid) MCT oil: Provides the fastest energy boost and promotes ketosis more effectively. However, it can have a slightly unpleasant taste.
    • C10 (capric acid) MCT oil: More neutral in taste and easier to digest than C8, but slightly less effective for ketosis.
    • A blend of C8 and C10: Combines the benefits of both types, offering a good balance of energy boost and digestibility.


Brewing the Coffee

Recommended Coffee-to-Water Ratio

The ideal coffee-to-water ratio depends on personal preference and the brewing method. A common recommendation is 1 to 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds per 6 ounces of water. Adjust based on your taste preferences.

Brewing Methods

There are various brewing methods, each influencing the flavor profile. Consider using a French press for a full-bodied taste, a pour-over for a cleaner cup, or an espresso machine for a concentrated brew. Experiment to find the method that suits your taste best.


Adding Butter

Quantity of Butter

Start with 1 to 2 tablespoons of unsalted, high-quality butter per cup of coffee. Adjust according to your taste preference. It's often recommended to use grass-fed butter for a richer flavor and potential health benefits.

How to Incorporate it into the Coffee

Add the butter to your brewed coffee while it's hot. You can use a blender for a creamy texture by blending the coffee and butter until frothy. Alternatively, stirring vigorously or using a hand frother can also help incorporate the butter.


Adding MCT Oil

Quantity of MCT Oil

Begin with 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of MCT oil per cup of coffee. Gradually increase the quantity based on your taste preferences and tolerance. MCT oil provides a quick energy boost and is believed to have various health benefits. 

Blending Techniques for Emulsification

To achieve a well-emulsified blend, use a blender. Combine the brewed coffee, butter, and MCT oil, then blend until you see a layer of foam on top. This emulsification process creates a creamy and smooth texture. Ensure that your blender is suitable for hot liquids and be cautious to avoid splashing.


Benefits of Bulletproof Coffee - Skip the donut or bagel

It’s a fact that carb-heavy breakfasts will spike your blood sugar. That means a quick burst of energy, but by 10:30 or so you’re tired, unfocused, and hungry again. We recommend a Bulletproof Coffee along with some whole-oat oatmeal and maybe some fresh fruit. Why is that?

  • Increased Energy and Focus: The combination of caffeine and MCTs can provide sustained energy throughout the morning, potentially enhancing focus and concentration.
  • Appetite Suppression: The high-fat content of Bulletproof coffee can promote satiety and reduce cravings, leading to decreased calorie intake throughout the day.
  • Potential Weight Loss Benefits: By controlling appetite and potentially boosting metabolism, Bulletproof coffee may indirectly support weight loss efforts. However, a balanced diet and regular exercise remain key for sustainable weight management.
  • Mental Clarity and Cognitive Function: MCTs may play a role in brain health and cognitive function. Some studies suggest improvements in memory, learning, and focus with sustained MCT consumption.



In summary, Bulletproof Coffee is not just a drink; it's a lifestyle choice rooted in the principles of the Bulletproof Diet. Crafted with high-quality coffee, grass-fed butter, and MCT oil, this morning elixir offers a unique blend of health benefits.

The careful brewing techniques, emphasizing organic, mold-free coffee, and the nutritional advantages of grass-fed butter and MCT oil contribute to sustained energy, appetite suppression, and potential support for weight management. It's more than a beverage – it's a mindful approach to nutrition.

As you embrace Bulletproof Coffee, customize it to your preferences and seek professional advice. Whether you're a biohacker, health enthusiast, or someone craving a flavorsome yet health-conscious start to the day, Bulletproof Coffee offers a compelling choice. So, indulge in this aromatic elixir, unlock mental clarity, and relish the buzz of a truly Bulletproof morning. Here's to your well-being!



  1. Is Bulletproof Coffee suitable for everyone?

While many individuals enjoy Bulletproof Coffee, it's essential to consider personal dietary needs and consult a healthcare professional, especially if you have existing health conditions.


  1. Can I use any type of coffee for Bulletproof Coffee?

Opt for high-quality, organic, and mold-free coffee beans to ensure the best flavor and health benefits.



  1. Are there alternatives to grass-fed butter for Bulletproof Coffee?

Yes, if you prefer plant-based options, you can explore alternatives like coconut oil or ghee.


  1. How often should I consume Bulletproof Coffee?

Moderation is key. It's recommended to enjoy Bulletproof Coffee as part of a balanced diet and not as a sole source of nutrition.


  1. Can I add sweeteners to Bulletproof Coffee?

While some people choose to add sweeteners, it's advised to be mindful of added sugars. Consider natural sweeteners like stevia or monk fruit.


Other Resources

For those who are curious, want to expand their knowledge, or just like keeping informed, here are some links to sites that you might like. These online resources come from institutions that hold a sterling reputation for their expertise and stringent standards for relevant information.

Mayo Clinic - Bulletproof Coffee: Is It Good for You?

Mayo Clinic is a reputable medical institution known for its evidence-based approach. This article delves into the health aspects of Bulletproof Coffee, providing a reliable source for the impact on one's well-being.


Harvard Health Publishing - Coffee Health Benefits and Risks:

Harvard Health Publishing offers expert-reviewed content. This specific article explores the broader topic of coffee, including its potential health benefits and risks, adding a scientific perspective to the discussion.


Canadian Living - The Bulletproof Coffee Trend:

A popular Canadian lifestyle website, Canadian Living, provides insights into the trend of Bulletproof Coffee. This source adds a Canadian perspective to the discussion.


Chatelaine - Is Bulletproof Coffee Good for You? Here’s What a Nutritionist Thinks:

Chatelaine, a well-known Canadian women's media brand, offers a nutritionist's perspective on Bulletproof Coffee. This adds a balanced viewpoint from a Canadian source.

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