8 Brain Boosting Foods That May Improve Memory

Apr 08, 2019Contributing Editor

Fuel your mind with these 8 brain-boosting foods that may help improve memory and cognitive function!

If you're ready to learn how to enhance your brain health, keep reading!

Why Brain Health Matters

The brain is one of the most important parts of the body. It deserves quite a bit of attention and care. Likewise, when your brain isn't nourished properly, you may begin to experience negative symptoms related to memory and cognitive function.

Thankfully, several foods may be able to support memory and overall brain health. We have listed 8 of them below (and there's a good chance you already have lots of them in your kitchen!).

Let's dive into the 8 brain-boosting foods!

Try adding some of these power foods for the brain into your everyday diet!

Important Note: These foods may not be suitable for everyone and it's always best to consult with a doctor or dietitian before making any major changes to your diet.

1. Blueberries


Blueberries are a great low-sugar fruit option if you are craving something sweet. Not only are they antioxidant-rich, but they also contain flavonoids, which may improve memory and cognitive function. They go well in smoothies, desserts, yogurt, or simply by themselves as an afternoon snack!


2. Avocados


One of the most loved healthy fats, avocados are powerhouses when it comes to fueling the brain. They contain monounsaturated fats, which decrease LDL (bad cholesterol) and increase HDL (good cholesterol). Also, avocadoes are filled with potassium, vitamin K, and folate.


3. Eggs



Eggs are loaded with healthy ingredients and are an "eggcellent" source of protein. They also contain choline, which is essential in producing dopamine and serotonin.


4. Nuts (Almonds and Walnuts)


Including healthy nuts, such as almonds and walnuts, in your diet may also help with brain health. They contain omega-3s and vitamin E. Plus, their protein content helps with energy production and repairing brain cells.


5. Wild Salmon


Similar to nuts, wild salmon provides a healthy dose of omega-3s, which help maintain good health and proper development.


6. Beans


A simple addition to most meals, beans are a great way to take care of your brain. They contain high levels of magnesium, which may help reduce irritability and anxiety. Plus they are easy to add to just about any recipe!



7. Broccoli


Broccoli is on our list of foods that may help improve memory. It contains vitamins C, E, and K. Additionally, broccoli contains choline.


8. Dark Chocolate


Last, but certainly not least is... CHOCOLATE! (We bet you're glad to see this on our list!) Chocolate is an antioxidant-rich food, which increases endorphins. Interestingly, chocolate is also loaded with phenylethylamine (PEA), the chemical your brain produces when falling in love.

However, all of that said:

It's usually best to go for dark chocolate (anywhere around 70% or more) to stay on the healthier side!


Closing Thoughts

Proper nutrition is essential for the maintenance of the brain. By taking care of your brain, you are benefiting your health in more ways than you can even imagine.

Finally, we want to hear from you!

Did any of the brain-boosting foods on this list surprise you?

Leave a comment below letting us know which one! Or share one of your favourite foods to improve memory with us!

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