7 Compelling Reasons to Choose Organic Food

Jan 20, 2019YesWellness.com
7 Compelling Reasons to Choose Organic Food

Should you choose organic food? Is it worth the price? In this post, we are answering these questions and giving you a few important things to consider.

As a rising trend in recent years, organic food options have flooded the supermarket. However, organic products tend to have a steeper price tag, which causes a debate if it is worth the extra cost.

So, is it worth it? We think so.

Here are 7 reasons why we think you should consider choosing organic food.


1. Minimizes chemical exposure

The primary reason to go organic for most people is the beneficial effect organic food may have on your health.

Conventional methods of growing produce or producing meat pump their products full of growth hormones, antibodies, pesticides, and other chemicals.

Safety is a concern, as 90% of the chemicals applied to food have not been tested for long-term effects before being labelled as safe [1].

The health benefits of organic foods and the dangers of added chemicals are generally well-known, shown by the rise in popularity of organic foods.


2. Powers up on nutrients

It is true that the essential nutritional elements are similar in organic and non-organic meats, each contains protein, iron, B vitamins, and zinc.

However, organically grown foods provide 21% more iron, 27% more Vitamin C, 29% more magnesium, and 14% more phosphorus [1].

A soil that is managed and well-nourished in sustainable practices increases the nutritional value of the plants.

Additionally, animals who are fed with organic feed or through natural sources tend to provide more nutrients.

Thankfully, there are many supplements made from organic sources that are high in nutrients.


3. Rallies against the consumer culture of meat

Many of the meats you see in supermarkets are raised in inhumane conditions, resulting in animals that are stressed, pumped full of antibodies, and generally unhealthy.

You don’t want to be ingesting these low-quality meats, as these additives may have links to incidences of cancer, thyroid disease, obesity, diabetes, or infertility.

Fatty tissue holds a high concentration of these added chemicals.

Essentially, you are what you eat.

The more we purchase low-cost, low-quality meats, the more we unintentionally support the inhumane way we treat the livestock we eat.

The majority of the cows that are consumed in North America are raised in feedlots, slaughtered at barely a year old after being fattened by unhealthy grains.

As long as low-quality meats are being purchased, the meat industry will not feel pressured to change their methods.


4. Supports organic farmers

Organic farming is sustainable and eco-friendly, as organic farmers know that nature is an important factor in their products.

Because of this, they tend to respect nature when farming.

Wildlife including insects, animals, birds and organisms that live in soil are able to function in a natural, healthy ecosystem free from human interference.

Purchasing organic foods is a show of support for organic farmers.

A study at Cornell University revealed that the in-store price of a head of iceberg lettuce was a paltry 17% of the actual cost. The actual price includes federal subsidies, pesticide regulation and testing, and hazardous waste and cleanup [1].

The price at the till isn’t representative of the actual effect of non-organic foods.

With increased purchases into organic foods, there may be shifts in subsidies towards organic foods over non-organic foods.


5. Cares about water

A necessity for organic farmers is to consider water systems when growing their crops.

Currently, over 70% of the world's freshwater is used for agricultural purposes.

The absence of synthetic fertilizers and toxic chemicals are much better for local water reserves.


6. Supports energy-efficient farming

Due to the fact that organic farming relies on solar energy and avoids nitrogen-based fertilizers and pesticides, organic farmers tend to use less energy than traditional farmers.

Organic farming uses 20% less energy on average because it requires fewer inputs on the farm.


7. Has a better taste

Organic foods taste better because better soil produces healthy, better-tasting plants.

Vegetables that are pumped full of pesticides tend to be more bitter than their organic counterparts.

For parents, taste can have a large influence on getting their children to eat vegetables.


Closing Thoughts

Clearly, there are many good reasons to choose organic food.

Though it may be a little more expensive, it's important to remember that you are what you eat.

So, if you want to be free of chemicals, pesticides, and all of that other nasty stuff, then we think it's worth the extra few dollars.

What do you think?

Let us know in the comments below if you choose organic food or not.

[1] Retrieved from http://www.prevention.com/food/healthy-eating-tip...

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