Frontier Natural Products

Frontier Natural Products Organic Fennel Seed Whole 24 grams

$6.20 $7.99
$6.20 $7.99you save $1.79
SKU: FRT-1029-001 ISBN/UPC: 89836210289
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Organic whole fennel seed

Frontier Natural Products Organic Fennel Seed Whole

Frontier Co-Op Organic Whole Fennel Seed has a distinctive fragrance and slight licorice taste that goes very well with fish. But with its unique, anise-like flavour, don't restrict Frontier Co-Op's organic whole fennel seed to just fish - try it in soups and salads, and with grains and vegetables, too.


These statements have not been evaluated by Health Canada or the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.