7 Eco-Friendly Period Products to Simplify Your Period Journey

Jul 21, 2022Contributing Editor

Ready to swap eco-friendly period products? Check out our top 7 picks that you'll wish you had found sooner!

With the rise in popularity of eco-friendly feminine hygiene products, there are more ways to keep your period simple and green than ever before. If you'd rather use sustainable options for your monthly cycle, here are 7 eco-friendly period products that will make your period journey more sustainable.

Why Make the Switch to Eco-Friendly Period Products?

Using eco-friendly period products is one way to help protect the environment and reduce your impact on it. Not only that, but they can also be more comfortable and less expensive than their conventional counterparts.

If you've ever wondered how to make this transition, here are some of our favourite eco-friendly period products.


1. Nixit Menstrual Cup


A menstrual cup is a reusable silicone alternative to pads and tampons. It collects blood instead of absorbing it, so you can leave it in for up to 12 hours before emptying the contents into the toilet.

The Nixit Menstrual Cup is made from medical-grade silicone. It's one size fits all shapes and conforms to you as your body changes throughout your period.

Menstrual cups are eco-friendly—they're reusable and can be used for a while before being replaced!

Important Note: Always read and follow the label when using menstrual cups.

Shop the Nixit Menstrual Cup here.


2. Natracare Organic Super Plus Cotton Tampons


Natracare Organic Super Plus Cotton Tampons are a great option if you want something more natural. The tampons are made of 100% organic cotton and have no rayon, plastics, or dyes.

Additionally, these non-applicator organic tampons are biodegradable, so they won't harm the environment when you throw your used ones away. This is important because there are billions of non-organic sanitary products in landfills right now!

Important Note: Certain tampons may not be right for you. Always read and follow the label. You should also consult a healthcare professional if you have any questions or concerns before use.

Shop the Natracare Organic Super Plus Cotton Tampons here.


3. Aisle Maxi Pad Reusable


The Aisle Maxi Pads are a popular line of reusable period products. It holds up to 4 tampons worth of fluid and can be used as a backup when you're out and about. Plus, the absorbency level is comparable to that of disposable pads. So if you already like your current tampons or pads, this may be a good option.

The Aisle Maxi Pad Reusable is made in Canada from breathable cotton and is also machine washable!

Shop the Aisle Maxi Pad Reusable here.


4. Natracare Ultra Pads With Wings


These pads are made from soft, certified organic cotton, which makes them comfortable and breathable. They also have wings to help them stay in place, making them discreet and reliable.

Plus, they're plastic-free and chlorine-free, so you don't have to worry about harmful chemicals entering your body.

If you've been underwhelmed by other period care products that claim to be eco-friendly but aren't actually all that safe for the environment or your body, then this is a great choice!

Shop the Natracare Ultra Pads With Wings here.


5. Intimina Ziggy Cup Flat-Fit Menstrual Cup


The Ziggy Cup is the first and only reusable menstrual cup you can wear during sex. Designed to move with your body, Ziggy's flat-fit design provides up to 12 hours of comfort, freedom, and self-confidence.

It's also healthy for your body—no odours, dryness, or irritation like traditional tampons and pads. Made from medical-grade silicone, it's safe for sensitive skin. Best of all, it offers up to 12 hours of non-stop protection!

Important Note: Always read and follow the label when using menstrual cups.

Shop the Intimina Ziggy Cup Flat-Fit Menstrual Cup here.


6. DIVACUP Model 1 Under 30


The DivaCup Model 1 is a menstrual cup that you can wear for up to 12 hours without leaks. It's made from high-quality healthcare-grade silicone to assure comfort and durability.

It is recommended for women under 30 who have never delivered vaginally or by cesarean section. This product does not contain latex, plastic, PVC, acrylic, acrylate, BPA, phthalate, or elastomer and is free of colours and dyes.

Important Note: Always read and follow the label when using menstrual cups.

Shop the DIVACUP Model 1 Under 30 here.


7. Nixit Foaming Wash


Lastly, Nixit Foaming Wash is a cleanser that you can use to wash your menstrual cup and vulva. Its ingredients and foaming properties make it ideal for easy cleaning - no lathering needed.

Additionally, this product is PH-Balanced, fragrance-free, plant-based, and paraben and sulphate-free.

Important Note: This product may not be right for you. Always read and follow the label.

Shop the Nixit Foaming Wash here.


Start Your Eco-Friendly Period Journey Today

In conclusion, there are many types of reusable menstrual products, so it's important to know your options.

Using eco-friendly period products is not only good for the environment but also has health benefits. It can help reduce exposure to chemicals from disposable feminine hygiene products and make your period more comfortable. Using these products will make your period less expensive too!

It may take some time to get used to green and natural menstrual products, but once you do, it will be much easier and more convenient for years to come.

Important Reminder: Using tampons may present certain health risks, like an increased risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome. Speak with a healthcare professional for more information. Additionally, be sure to read and follow the labels for all menstrual products listed in this post.

Finally, check out our collection of sustainable and eco-friendly period products here.



  1. https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-medical-devices/menstrual-tampons.html

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