Dried Fruit, Nuts & Seeds


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Shop Dried Fruit, Nuts & Seeds

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Dried fruit, nuts, and seeds offer a delightful combination of textures, flavors, and nutrients. Whether you're looking for a sweet treat, a crunchy snack, or a portable energy boost, this category has something for everyone.


  • Texture: Crunchy (nuts, seeds), chewy (dried fruits), crispy (some fruits)
  • Preparation: Dehydrated (dried fruit), roasted, raw, salted, unsalted, toasted, seasoned (nuts and seeds)
  • Taste: Sweet (dried fruit), savory (nuts and seeds), spicy (depending on flavorings), tangy or tart (some dried fruits)
  • Convenience: Packaged, ready-to-eat, portable, convenient, bite-sized
  • Quality: Gourmet, premium (for higher quality ingredients)


  • Dried Fruits: A naturally sweet way to enjoy fruit all year round.

- Popular varieties: Raisins, apricots, dates, prunes, figs

- Other options: Mangoes, pineapples, apples, bananas, cherries, berries (cranberries, blueberries, strawberries), kiwi, papaya, peaches, plums, coconut chips

- Variations: Some dried fruits may be sweetened with honey or spices like apple cinnamon.

  • Nuts: A concentrated source of protein, healthy fats, and fiber.

- Popular varieties: Almonds, cashews, walnuts, pecans, pistachios, macadamia nuts

- Other options: Hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, pine nuts, peanuts (technically a legume)

- Variations: Nuts can be enjoyed raw, roasted, salted, or seasoned with various flavors.

  • Seeds: Packed with fiber, healthy fats, and micronutrients.

- Popular varieties: Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds

- Other options: Chia seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds, hemp seeds, poppy seeds

  • Mixes: A delicious blend of dried fruit, nuts, and seeds for a variety of textures and tastes.

- Trail mix: The classic mix with nuts, seeds, dried fruit, and sometimes chocolate chips.

- Variations: Nut and seed mix, fruit and nut mix, chocolate trail mix, themed mixes (tropical, savory, spicy, sweet and salty, berry), functional mixes (energy trail mix with added ingredients for a boost).

- Other options: Yogurt-covered mixes offer a sweet and creamy twist.


  • Natural flavors: The inherent sweetness of dried fruits and the nutty taste of nuts and seeds.
  • Sweet flavors: Honey roasted, maple, chocolate-covered, cinnamon, vanilla, caramel (nuts and seeds)
  • Savory flavors: Sea salt, garlic, herb, smoky, BBQ (nuts and seeds)
  • Spicier flavors: Spicy chili, wasabi, ranch, Cajun, sriracha (nuts and seeds)
  • Other: Coconut, lime, rosemary (nuts and seeds)
  • Dried fruit flavors: Apple cinnamon (and other spiced varieties)

Related Terms

  • Consumption: Snack, treat, munchies
  • Portability: Snack pack, snack box, variety pack (offering an assortment of dried fruit, nut, and seed options)
  • Portion control: Pre-packaged options help manage portion sizes
  • Snacking times: Midday snack, afternoon snack, office snack, school snack, travel snack, adventure snack, picnic
  • Other: Lunchbox, road trip, activity, sports, outdoor, hiking, backpacking, trail snack, energy boost, replenish, grab-and-go, gourmet mix, assorted mix, premium selection, mixed nuts, seed mix, dried fruit medley
  1. Canada 1-10 business days after your order leaves the warehouse and is dependent on your region.
  2. United States 4-14 business days after your order leaves our warehouse.

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