LEGO Spidey Team Spidey's Mobile Headquarters, 10791 (Discontinued)
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LEGO® Marvel Team Spidey's Mobile Headquarters 10791 Building Toy Set
Age: 4+
Pieces: 187 pcs
Rhino is blasting eggs at the grocery store. He’s even pulled out the window to splat inside! Spidey and his friends must get there fast. Spidey and Ghosty jump into the mobile HQ’s cockpit while Spin and Black Panther drive their vehicles in through the back door. When they arrive, the team race out of the mobile HQ and sling webs at Rhino. But he fights back – with the grocery store food!
From The Manufacturer Features:
Spider-Man action on wheels
Fun-packed build-and-play set for kids aged 4 and up with a passion for Super Hero vehicles.
Created for kids aged 4+
This introduction to LEGO® Marvel creativity features a Starter Brick, modular pieces and 1 self-contained build per bag.
Team Spidey's Mobile Headquarters
On-the-move adventures
The mobile HQ has an opening cockpit and rear door.
Vehicles within vehicles
The roadster and ATV can enter and exit the mobile HQ.
Food fight!
The Rhino minifigure comes with an egg-firing blaster.