Expires March 2025 Clearance Nuts 'N More Peanut Spread 429g
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Nuts 'N More Peanut Spread
The originator, the og, the worlds first high protein peanut butter introduced on the ABC's hit TV Series Shark Tank back in 2012. Nuts 'n More's original flavored high protein peanut butter is made from only the freshest peanuts, packed with whey protein isolate and flax for added protein and Omega 3s.*
Created as the perfect snack/meal replacement, 1 serving of this power packed pb contains all the protein, essential fats and just the right amount of carbs for anyone serious about unleashing their health and fitness potential.*
- Gluten Free*
- Non-GMO*
- High Protein*
- All Natural*
- High in Fiber*
- Low in Sugar*
- No preservatives added*
Peanuts, Whey Protein isolate, Natural Sweetener (xylitol), Peanut Oil, Flax Meal, Natural Extract, Sunflower Lecithin.
Allergen Warning Contains:
Peanuts, Milk. May contain traces of almonds and other tree nuts, fruits, raisins and berries.
Xylitol, do not feed to pets.
Nuts 'n More suggest storing in a cool, dry place or refrigerate to preserve freshness. 13ºC - 20ºC (55ºF - 68ºF)
Oil Separation:
Does not contain binders or additives therefore oil separation may occur. Please stir with ever use. You may also store your jar upside-down. The oil will rise to the bottom of the jar leaving the solids at the top.
Allergen Warning Contains:
Peanuts, Milk. May contain traces of almonds and other tree nuts, fruits, raisins and berries.
Nuts 'n More suggest storing in a cool, dry place or refrigerate to preserve freshness. 13ºC - 20ºC (55ºF - 68ºF)