
Expires March 2025 Clearance MSPrebiotic Prebiotic Resistant Starch 454g

$36.76 $45.95
$36.76 $45.95you save $9.19
SKU: CL-18892 ISBN/UPC: 628055303084
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MSPrebiotic Prebiotic Resistant Starch 454g

MSPrebiotic is a Prebiotic Resistant Starch extracted from Canadian potatoes. It is clinically proven to feed the good bacteria in the gut microbiome and crowd out pathogenic bacteria. MSPrebiotic balances the microbiome which it turn improves digestion and supports regularity helping with such issues as constipation, diarrhea, IBS or any-thing in-between. It is a fine white flavourless powder with 7g of insoluble fibre per scoop and can easily mix into liquids and soft foods.

MSPrebiotic Prebiotic Resistant Starch Features:

  • Non GMO
  • FODMAP Friendly
  • Glyphosate Residue Free
  • Keto Friendly
  • Vegan
  • Gluten Free
  • Nightshade Safe

Recommended Dosage:

3.5g per day for several days until microbiome adjusts. Gradually increase to 10g per day or more up to 30g per day until you reach desired results. Daily average dose is 10g.


Resistant Potato Starch