Expires January 2025 Clearance Organika Super IQ 60 Capsules
- Canada 1-10 business days after your order leaves the warehouse and is dependent on your region.
- United States 4-14 business days after your order leaves our warehouse.
For more info, visit our shipping page.
It is important to us that you are satisfied with the items you receive. We now provide refunds for products that are returned within 60 days of the order date. *
* Exceptions apply. Please review product return exceptions and guidelines
Organika Super IQ 60 Capsules
- Helps to enhance cognitive function and memory in adults
- Helps improve mental and physical performance after periods of mental and/or physical exertion
These statements have not been evaluated by Health Canada or the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Medicinal Ingredients – Each Vegetarian capsule contains:
- Ginkgo Biloba 50:1 Leaf Extract 60 mg (Equivalent to 3000 mg dried Ginkgo Biloba leaf powder)
- Siberian Ginseng 5:1 Root Extract 100 mg (Equivalent to 500 mg dried Siberian Ginseng root powder),
- Kola Seed Powder (Cola acuminata) 30 mg
- Eyebright 4:1 Herb Extract 30 mg (Equivalent to 120 mg dried Eyebright herb powder)
- L-Glutamine 150 mg
- Cordyceps 4:1 Extract 50 mg (Equivalent to 200 mg dried Cordyceps stroma powder)